List of tapes sent to CoRA 2007 July 6. These are all Exabyte Mammoth 170m tapes; each tape contains 13 (occasionally 14 ) tar files of about 2GB each. The tape label reads, e.g. Tarlog 20010927_200109 27_12. There are 130 tapes, each with about 26 GB of data. Say 3.4 TB worth. To read file n to disk (Unix systemV-style device name): mt -f /dev/rmt/0n fsf n tar xvf /dev/rmt/0n The files will be put in subdirectories named for the date of observation, e.g. 20010923. The tarlog is named for the day the tar file was written, and likely w ill contain observations from earlier days. See the listings on the UH Solar web site. Coping with problems: tar isn't very helpful when it gets a tape error; it just gives up. Sometimes you can copy the file to disk with dd then untar it. From: Donald Mickey Institute for Astronomy 2680 Woodlawn Drive Honolulu, HI 96822 To: K. D. Leka NW Research Associates Colorado Research Associates Div. 3380 Mitchell Lane Boulder, CO 80301 303-415-9701